I couldn't wait to post a few more pictures from this weekend. I had to work quick today, very short nap time today (45 minutes!). I am loving these new actions. I have learned that you don't have to schedule a portrait session in a studio and wear stiff clothes that you have never worn and will probably never wear again. To me, the best shots are those of kids, and people in general, just being themselves, wearing what they wear every day and doing the things they love to do. So that's exactly what I captured this weekend: family just being family. Sorry there are so many pictures. I just couldn't decide and narrow them down, so I included lots! Enjoy!
Meet Mr. Big! This is one of my all time favorite pictures. I love black and white!

Every time Mr. Big caught me with my camera pointed in his direction, he would stop, pose and say "Cheese!" Little stinker!

Little Miss Diva! I love the way her eyes look in black and white!

"What." Nuff said!

If you knew him, you would know that this is exactly who he is. I love this shot but couldn't decide between the two actions so I posted both!

Mamaw's Love.
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