Thursday, October 28, 2010

A few more of Miss Dimples and family!

This one may not be a wall hanger, but I just love that Miss. Dimples and the dog have their tongue sticking out!!

Daddy's girl?

Mommy's love!

Jackie B

Monday, October 25, 2010

Miss Dimples!

Shew! I didn't realize just how long it's been since I've posted. Needless to say, I've been a little busy since the arrival of our newest little blessing. Chasing after a two year old and kissing on a newborn doesn't leave a lot of down time!

On Saturday I was thrilled to get together with a friend of mine and take pictures of her beautiful family! After a few minutes of me being on the wrong end of the park, our shoot started and we had a lot of fun playing in the leafs! It was the perfect fall day for pictures. The lighting was fantastic and I had a gorgeous family to take pictures of! Take a look!

More to come as soon as I can get them edited!

Jackie B

Monday, September 13, 2010

Boys will be BOYS!

I caught these two just being little boys back in early May and thought I'd just see what I could do to this shot. I love this shot. Just little boys being little boys and not a care in the world. Don't you wish you could have a day like that!? I plan on trying more effects on this shot in the future and putting together a storyboard of all the different things I did to it so you'll see it again in the future!

Jackie B

Friday, September 10, 2010

Waitin' on my sister.........

This sums up our life at the moment! Little Big Man just put every emotion we are feeling into one picture! Funny how a picture can capture that.

Not long now!

Jackie B

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Just a couple more!

I just couldn't resist! I found a few more actions that I really like and had to try them out of this cutie! I love the way these actions make these photos look a little old.

Until next time!!

Jackie B

Monday, September 6, 2010

Family Fun!

What a great Sunday! My little family got to play with family near and far. Needless to say, I brought out my camera. You know I couldn't resist! I think the more pictures I take of kiddos, the more I realize that is where my heart is. I just love catching them being kids. So natural, so happy (most of the time). Not a care in the world. Don't you wish you could have just one day to feel that way again!? I ran a couple of different actions on several of the photos just to see what they would look like and then, I had a hard time deciding what to post.

I'd love to know what she's thinking here.

Their playmates for the day!

Isn't she gorgeous?

You know I just couldn't resist a black and white post!

Jackie B

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Here's what I'm learning!!

I am just eating up everything I can find on Photoshop and actions (or presets). I couldn't help put post ALL of these pictures! I was so excited to show you all the different effects I can now do to photos! This is so much fun (squeal)!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Miss. Danae.....again!

Since I've gotten new editing software, I thought I would go back through some of my pictures when I had the time and rework them just to see what I could come up with! Here are a few shots of Little Danae I took from June. She is wearing her two year old birthday dress! Love it! I'll have more "redo" pictures coming in the next few weeks, or whenever I can get to it. My life is about to get a little more hectic, but a good kind of hectic!!

I couldn't resist one black and white shot!

Jackie B

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What a guy!

One word.....heartthrob!

One of my all time favorite shots!

Jackie B

Friday, August 27, 2010

More Maternity Pics!

It was a HOT evening when we attempted to take these pictures. They didn't turn out exactly like I'd hoped, but what could I expect.....we were roasting!! Even late in the evening, it was HOT! But, even though they turned out differently than I had hoped, I still think they're cute!

Wonder if this is what he really thinks of his little sister??

Such a boy!


Jackie B

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I'm still here!!!

I'm still here gang! Just CRAZY busy! I have more pictures to work on in the editing process and hope to start that tomorrow. Just so much I can get done during nap time!! Keep checking back!!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Just one more.......for now!!

I know, I'm driving you crazy with these photos but I have just loved them so much! I guess because their of my little, wonderful family. Lonnie, my sweet hubby, came up with this shot and I just love it! We plan on heading out to the farm this weekend for pictures with our Little Big Man so there will be plenty more to come I'm sure! Hope you enjoy them!

Jackie B

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Part 2

I am having so much fun editing my pictures! I love trying different actions on them, even if I don't like the look, I'm learning what each action is capable of. This is so much fun!

Oh, this shot. I love it. It was a very dark image and I shot it by myself using a tripod, but this action just added a softness to it that when I look at it, I tear up. That is exactly what a picture is suppose to do. Take you back to the moment and relive it.

Jackie B

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My Maternity Pictures!!

My hubby and I quickly learned that taking my own maternity pictures was a little hard to do! I knew what I wanted, and we had to keep twiking what he was shooting to get the shot in my head. I'm so much more comfortable behind the camera!!! Little Man took a very quick nap today so not a lot of pictures to post right now, but I'll have more soon! Here's a few with some new actions I'm trying on for size! I could play all day!!!

I just love this shot of the two of us! This makes me smile!

Jackie B

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I must stop!!

I just can't help myself. I LOVE editing pictures and every time my little man lays down for a nap, I find myself fighting to stay away from my computer! But, this is my final post from this weekend...promise! I ran across a few new actions yesterday and I just had to try them out!

Little Diva in all her glory! With a small milk mustache!!! Love it!

* Sigh * He is going to be such a heart breaker when he is older!

Jackie B

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Weekend Fun: Part II

I couldn't wait to post a few more pictures from this weekend. I had to work quick today, very short nap time today (45 minutes!). I am loving these new actions. I have learned that you don't have to schedule a portrait session in a studio and wear stiff clothes that you have never worn and will probably never wear again. To me, the best shots are those of kids, and people in general, just being themselves, wearing what they wear every day and doing the things they love to do. So that's exactly what I captured this weekend: family just being family. Sorry there are so many pictures. I just couldn't decide and narrow them down, so I included lots! Enjoy!

Meet Mr. Big! This is one of my all time favorite pictures. I love black and white!

Every time Mr. Big caught me with my camera pointed in his direction, he would stop, pose and say "Cheese!" Little stinker!

Little Miss Diva! I love the way her eyes look in black and white!

"What." Nuff said!

If you knew him, you would know that this is exactly who he is. I love this shot but couldn't decide between the two actions so I posted both!

Mamaw's Love.