Thursday, July 8, 2010

Excuse the mess!

Hi everyone! Please excuse the mess, or lack there of. I'm rebuilding this blog to match my photography website domain name, so I'll no longer be updating the old blog, ( I'll be blogging here starting today. So bare with me, this could take some time to build it the way I hope to.

But, pictures are coming VERY soon! I shot an engagement session tonight and I just looked through those pictures and I have some great shots! I'll post them as soon as I get them organized and edited!

In other news, I'm hoping to update my Canon 350D camera to a newer model. But, I'm having a time trying to decide what Canon I want and the lens. I can't believe how far technology has come since I bought my trust Canon four years ago. It's amazing. I'll keep you posted!

Until tomorrow, good night all!!!

Jackie B

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